Thursday, March 5, 2009

Vagina Monologues

Hey all! I know the Vagina Monologues is over, I just love it and wanted to know what everyone thought. Who liked it; who didn't. What are everyone's favorite monologues? My personal favorite is "My Angry Vagina," I literally laugh and smile through the whole thing, and then think about it for days after. It's so true! Sometimes I wish I could just shout those things in public- what is up with tampons and stirrups?!?! Although I guess that could become a little awkward... but when you think about it, it shouldn't be. Anyway, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. TVM is my absolute favorite thing in the world. I was in it for four years and directed it for two. I have always loved, "My Short Skirt." It's not as funny as some of the others, but as a gal who likes to rock a mini as often as possible, but loathes some of the negative attention it can attract, I can really relate to the voice of the monologue. I had the honor to perform it my junior year of college, and nothing has ever made me feel so empowered.

    Short Skirt trumpets the importance of girls and women wearing whatever styles of clothing makes them feel proud, strong, and confident w/o the threat of harassment or violence. As a woman, having the ability to happily wear what you want and declare freedom from fear is an activist statement in itself.
